Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Republicans Play Chicken With The Debt Ceiling

A major issue that both Republicans and Democrats will have to deal with in 2011 is the debt ceiling. For those who do not know what exactly all of these commentators and economists are discussing, the debt ceiling is the the maximum borrowing power of a governmental entity.

With the Republicans taking control of the house, there are members of the new congress which have stated that they are not in favor of raising the debt ceiling. The current debt ceiling is set at $14.3 trillion. According to many economists if the debt ceiling is not raised, there may be a worse economic collapse than in 2008. 

On the Fox Business Network, when asked if Republicans would vote to raise the debt ceiling, The Wall Street Journal's Jerry Seib said "I do."

Seib mentioned that many of the newer Republican representatives who campaigned against raising the debt ceiling may need to come to terms with he fact that raising the debt ceiling is something that must be done.

On a topic as serious as this it seems as if only the absolutely radical right-wingers will choose to endorse not raising the debt ceiling.

Speaker to be John Boehner mentioned that the raising of the debt ceiling should be treated in an "adult" way. 

Glenn Beck seems to believe that raising the debt ceiling would be the end of Republicans. But, Beck also seems hesitant to choose a side when it comes to increase it or not. Beck believes that our economy will collapse eventually and it is only a matter of time.

On CNN Tuesday, Ben Stein called the Republican's refusal to raise the debt ceiling "political blarney." He also commented that taxes are going to have to be raised in order to decrease the national debt.

The "balanced budget amendment" is a joke according to Stein, without a raise of taxes. Stein called for taxes "especially" on the upper 50%, 10%, and 1% of the American public. 

According to a recent US News & World Report online poll, 66.05% of voters believe that Congress should raise the debt ceiling. 

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